Keith Field Goldsmith

For A Life Worth Celebrating

April's Birthstone: Diamond

Styling, GiftsKeith Field

If you’re lucky enough to be born in April, you also lucked out with a gorgeous birthstone. Lest it be passed over as “just an engagement stone,” the diamond has a history, origin, and meaning that are worth some earnest attention.

As if anyone needed more reasons to admire a diamond, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most interesting facts about the stone that will make it abundantly clear that they are far more than just pretty.


They Are Said To Have Magical Properties

Ever heard of the “evil eye?” It has been believed throughout history to cause poverty, sickness, and death, and the diamond has been thought to be the answer to warding off those malevolent forces. Credited with having numerous healing powers, the diamond is celebrated for working against the forces of poison and plague.

They Are Rare

This might not sound all that surprising, but the true rarity of diamonds is one of the things that makes them so coveted. In fact, a diamond’s grading system is actually just a measurement to convey its degree of rarity. Not only is the demand for diamonds at an all time high, but the discovery of new diamonds is decreasing. This means that this rare stone is only becoming more rare.


Their Allure Began At The Marketplace

Diamonds have a long history of being used as a form of valuable currency. After being gathered in the rivers and streams of India, they were brought to use for trading in the markets of Venice, Italy. It was here that they became widely recognized and coveted by people of wealth and royalty, and their popularity soared throughout Europe’s upper class.

They Are Not Just for Engagement Rings

Though the diamond may seem ubiquitous to engagements, there is a significant place in the fashion world for diamonds of all kinds. White - and even colored - diamonds are gorgeous additions to the wardrobe. Currently, jewelry designers are cultivating interest in unique forms of diamonds, such as varied and organic shapes and those with interesting characteristics like Salt and Pepper diamonds.


They Are Incredibly Strong

The name “diamond” derives from the Greek word “adamas,” which means “invincible” or “unbreakable.” This meaning is not just metaphorical, but physical. Diamonds are rated at a 10 on the Mohs scale, making them the hardest mineral on earth. Strong as they are, diamonds are not completely indestructible, and can be broken by an impact that hits at just the wrong angle - especially if the shape has points like a square or a marquis. For this reason, setting diamonds in protective mounts like bezels is best if you are an active person who wants to wear your jewelry everywhere.

They Have An Impressive History As Love Symbols

Diamonds are widely recognized today as a symbol of marital engagement, but it’s interesting to note that they have been used in this capacity since Roman times. (And it was used for this purpose not just for its beauty, but more importantly for the benevolent attributes it is believed to bring to a marriage.) When the marriage has proven its longevity, it’s time to celebrate again - the diamond is also the stone associated with the 60th and 75th wedding anniversary.