Keith Field Goldsmith

For A Life Worth Celebrating

5 Tips for Jewelry At Work

Gifts, StylingKeith Field

Anything that adorns your body - jewelry included - deserves a level of consideration when you are entering a place of employment.

Here are 5 things to think about when you are planning what pieces fit your work life best.

A bezel set diamond engagement ring looks great at the office and holds up well out in the field, but rings are unsafe in some work environments.

A bezel set diamond engagement ring looks great at the office and holds up well out in the field, but rings are unsafe in some work environments.

1. Have a strong sense of your specific work industry and culture.

The style of jewelry you wear at work can be heavily influenced by the specific industry you work in. For example, a job in finance may warrant a very different style of accessory than a job in retail. But it’s also affected by the nature of your job, not just the industry, which is why a job selling cars will likely call for different jewelry than a job selling ice cream. Your choices should reflect not only the industry, but the “vibe” your company (and your boss) strive to put out.

2. Consider your work environment.

In some jobs, jewelry can pose certain hazards, safety concerns, or just be plain annoying. Think about the day to day actions of your job, and envision how your jewelry will affect them. If you work in food preparation or hairstyling, you likely don’t want rings and bracelets that run the risk of getting food and chemicals on them. If you work with young children or in the medical field, you probably are going to avoid any dangling necklaces or earrings. If you’re new to the field, asking a supervisor or veteran at your job can be helpful.

Classic simple earrings are very versatile. Our handmade hoops are perfect for a work presentation or a day in retail and transition well to the date night afterward.

Classic simple earrings are very versatile. Our handmade hoops are perfect for a work presentation or a day in retail and transition well to the date night afterward.

3. Remember that YOU bring value to the workplace, not your jewelry.

We are all for letting your gorgeous jewelry make a statement, but we also believe that good jewelry’s job is to enhance, not to overpower. Especially in the workplace, it is your message and your performance that matter. Your jewelry can certainly help to convey that overall message of who you are to the world, but it should never distract from it.

4. Wear your jewelry with intent.

Even the best pieces can look out of place if they are not worn thoughtfully. When you are presenting yourself professionally, you want your look to appear purposeful and put together. The way to do this is to make sure that you are coordinating the pieces you choose with thought. Pick necklaces that are the correct length for your shirt. If you choose a statement necklace, don’t make the earrings compete with it for attention. Thinking about your outfit as a whole will pull off a more unified and polished look.

5. Understand that there may be no rules.

This is always the last rule in considering anything, right? What we mean by it is this: jewelry is a personal expression, and when it’s worn well, sometimes it’s ok to make your own rules. A personal look that is well-executed and worn with confidence is one that almost always commands respect and admiration.

On the right person, at the right event, almost any piece of jewelry can complete you and be a key to your success.

On the right person, at the right event, almost any piece of jewelry can complete you and be a key to your success.